

OPC is a non-governmental organisation in Ghana that promotes social entrepreneurship in the field of regenerative food and farming systems. Our centres connect national and international stakeholders and enable them to co- develop applied solutions.



Diversified agroforestry system


Scalability / Reproducibility

Food processing


Training of 20 social entrepreneurs
(Humanitarian MBA)

Establishment of several cooperatives
with 800 farmers

Completion of tourism infrastructure


Training of 40 social entrepreneurs
(Humanitarian MBA)

Start of eco-tourism in Busua


Training of 40 social entrepreneurs
(Humanitarian MBA)

Business becomes self-sustaining


The center is run under the principle of sustainability and cultivates a climate-neutral lifestyle, with all the necessary knowledge. Accordingly, training programs are developed and taught. The focus is on promoting social entrepreneurship to help local people create alternative and sustainable sources of income for themselves. In addition, the center serves as a reference point for national and international actors for a sustainable lifestyle, where they become regenerative leaders through the exchange and expansion of knowledge


There is a model farm in the vocational training center, which is in close exchange and trade with the local community. This ensures the exchange of information, strengthens local markets and promotes sustainable crop production in the region. We are guided by the concept of agroecology.

Agroecology is an approach to agriculture that promotes sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Not only production is taken into account, but every stage of value creation from the field to the plate. Overall, agroecology aims to make the entire food system more sustainable and address global challenges such as food security, environmental protection and social justice. You can find out more about agroecology here.

UP Development sees itself as part of the agroecological movement. Two agroecological practices are currently used in the vocational training center: organic farming and dynamic agroforestry systems.

Organic farming completely avoids chemical fertilizers and pesticides and instead uses natural processes to promote ecosystem health and reduce reliance on inputs. For us, organic farming represents the absolute minimum standard for growing food. Wherever possible, we go beyond the label's requirements.

Our main focus is on promoting dynamic agroforestry systems. Trees, bushes, herbs and useful plants are combined with each other. This promotes biodiversity, protects and improves soil fertility and improves and secures people's livelihoods by allowing them to sell and use various products from the system themselves.


In a circular economy, resources are used in a way that minimizes waste and valuable materials are reused, recycled or repaired. Instead of a linear “use and dispose” economy, the circular economy aims to keep products and materials in circulation in order to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable business. Agroecology is also closely linked to the circular economy.

Organic waste from kitchen and waste recycling stations is collected at the center to produce compost with a high amount of nutrients. This is used as fertilizer in the center's gardens and plantations according to the principle of circular economy.

The center is largely powered by renewable energy. This includes our own photovoltaics and biogas systems for the independent production and storage of electricity and biogas. The leftover biogas manure is used as liquid fertilizer for organic farming.

Our educational offerings provide complementary knowledge to the public education system. We offer a curriculum that complements public school subjects. The focus of the lessons is on training to become a social entrepreneur in the areas of agro-food, sustainable infrastructure and renewable energies, crafts, tourism and business/project management.

Similar to the vocational training system in Switzerland, learners do practical work four days a week and learn the underlying theory of the respective practice on the fifth working day of the week.

At vocational school, young people and adults can choose a specific focus that best suits their individual personality. You will essentially learn practical skills that may be associated with any of the structures that are part of the center.

Already trained adults who cannot find work despite high-quality training are trained as social entrepreneurs. The training enables them to set up their own companies and thus have a positive influence on their own situation and the job market. Strong partners such as the Roxbourg Institute of Social Entrepreneurship are directly integrated into the training process and guarantee a high quality standard of training.

A balanced and healthy diet is important for our physical and mental well-being as well as for our immune system. In cooking courses and workshops on healthy eating, knowledge about wholesome meals and important nutrients is passed on to learners and the local population.

The sewage system in Ghana is not particularly well developed, especially in rural areas such as Busua. This can lead to environmental pollution and health risks. There are also inadequate sanitation facilities, which leads to open defecation and also promotes the spread of diseases.

A simple alternative to this are natural sawdust toilets, which were integrated into our model farm. By covering feces with sawdust, an optimal carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio of the mixture is achieved, which prevents the formation of unpleasant odors and bacteria, thus converting the feces into valuable organic fertilizers. The compost produced in this way has a relatively low amount of nutrients (high C/N ratio), and is therefore ideal for fertilizing the meadows and trees in the center.

West Africa has a long tradition of herbal medicine. Many diseases and ailments that are part of everyday life in Ghana can be cured with traditional medicine. The Herbal Clinic provides a tranquil environment for the practice of herbal medicine by local experts. In addition, we develop an inventory of the local flora and their medicinal effects, which we also use for teaching purposes. In addition to herbs, spices also have immense medicinal potential. In addition, a classic Western form of nursing is also practiced at the center. The combination of traditional African medicine, as well as medicine from the East (Ayurveda) and the West (classical medicine) has great potential for a comprehensive health system.


Our guest house is ready! Visit us at the center, experience Ghana and learn a lot about sustainability, the food system and the local culture. There are different offers to meet different needs.

The visitors to the center actively participate in the project and thereby give their vacation a deeper meaning . The focus is not on consumption, but on the contribution to society and the health of our planet.


Empowering Regenerative Leaders Through Our Educational Centers